Software Developer

Welcome to my personal site!

About Me

Motivated self-starter, career Soldier-turned software developer.

After serving a total of 8 years in the military, with the last 3 years on active duty as an infantry officer, I decided to leave active duty to pursue a career in tech.


BS in Physics from UW La-Crosse. Graduated May 2016

BS in Computer Science from Oregon State University. Planned Graduation December 2020.


Languages: C, C++, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, SQL, MASM

Technologies: Bootstrap, jQuery, MongoDB, NodeJS, Git, Visual Studio


Infantry Officer at US Army: May 2016 - July 2019

Combat Medic/Cadet at Wisconsin National Guard: October 2011 - May 2016


Alien Invaders

A 2D game inspired by Space Invaders. Used object oriented programming principles to implement game logic. Rendered using OpenGL and custom shaders instead of an existing graphics library. Used git and GitHub for version control.

Tools Used
  • C++
  • OpenGL
  • Git and GitHub
  • Visual Studio

Dark Labyrinth

CLI text-based maze game created in C++. Uses a 2D linked graph to create linked spaces in which the player can interact with. Takes advantage of inheritance and polymorphism to facilitate the interaction between spaces and track player collected items.

Tools Used
  • C++
  • Make
  • Git and GitHub
  • Visual Studio Code

Combinatorics in Assembly

Math game created in x86 assembly. Uses procedures, the system stack, and base-indexed addressing to create a modular program structure. Quickly determines the factorials of randomly generated numbers using recursion. Manually validates and converts user string input into 32-bit integers.

Tools Used
  • MASM
  • Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio MASM Debugger

Personal Portfolio Site

Personal portfolio site was created to showcase recent projects I have created. The site uses the typical web languages along with Bootstrap 4 to create a decent looking static site. Currently the site is hosted and deployed using GitHub Pages.

Tools Used
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Git and GitHub
